6 Easy & Festive Ways to Ring in 2022

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The one where it turns 2022

Like everything lately, NYE may look a little different. Just because your plans are different doesn’t mean your celebration can’t be fun, festive and meaningful. Let’s reset, reflect and pour some bubbly as we wave good bye to 2021 and welcome 2022 with open arms. I promise these celebratory ideas will make you want to stay up until midnight just to kiss the arrival of 2022.

Before the clock strikes midnight

It’s time. We made it. We did it. Let’s celebrate the best way we know how.



Make a new year’s brunch

Start your day off with a beautiful and delicious… glass of bubbly. I guess you could always add some brunch in there. I always love a delicious stack of vegan pancakes topped with fresh berries and coconut whipped cream. I plan on making these delicious little bites to snack on throughout the day. Ok, back to the bubbly. It seems to me NYE is a bubbly all day type of feel. I prefer to hold the OJ, and pop a few pieces of fresh fruit or edible flowers to brighten up my glass.


A year in review and what’s ahead

Make a scrapbook to highlight all of the good that happened in 2021 and post it to Instagram tagging all of those that made it right. Or if vision boards are more your thing, create your 2022 vision right before your eyes.


find your look

This might cause some controversy, but I am going to throw it out there…DRESS UP and wear bold makeup! When was the last time you did that? A look is always appreciated on NYE but if pajamas are your look more power to you.


it’s a party

Play games! Set up a Zoom call if family and friends are afar and make sure everyone is ready to play. Some of my favorites are Scattergories and Bingo. These are easy to play virtually and still bring the excitement. Don't forget to take pics! These are unique and wonderful memories. Don’t forget to make a toast. All that matters is your toast is positive and from the heart.


next level celebration

It’s time to spice it up. First things first. How's your bubbly doing? Let's step it up a notch. Add a maraschino liqueur and a matching cherry to your bubbles. What’s your dinner situation? I am opting for a simple and comforting bowl of homemade vegan mac & cheese. In the mood to take your dinner to the next level? Order your favorite takeout—it will be happy to hit your table.


Set The Ball dropping mood

Light (lots of) candles and embrace the last of your holiday decor. Relax. Make a toast, set an intention or just smile as the new year embraces us all.

P.S. In case you pop too much bubbly (because you can!) I will leave this little delicious detox smoothie here.

Happy New Year!


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Real estate investor, landlord and DIYer, Realtor, Business consultant, Globe trotter & Converting vegan.



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