Back and Core Strengthening - Holly J Fitness

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Many of you are aware that I suffer from chronic back pain. often it will just feel like a slight pinch under my shoulder blade or in my neck, but other times I find myself in excruciating pain and horizontal for days on end.

That’s where Holly comes in!

One thing I’ve learned over the years, is that strengthening your “problem area” is key to reducing risk. You have to be patient because rushing into strength training will only ignite the problem area once again. Take it from me. I know first hand.

That is why, I’ve asked Holly to share some easy, “at home” movements you can do to help what I like to call your “trunk” (midsection/core). Correct posture, sleep habits and movement are SO important to maximizing results and minimizing risk. Listen to the experts, they know what they’re talking about.




“For many, it’s a surprise to learn that your “core” is made up of much more than just the “6-pack” muscles you see on the front side of your stomach. In fact, your core (roughly) runs from your collar bone down to your hip bones and includes the front AND back side of your torso!

Why is this important to know? This is important to know because that means you need to be strengthening all of those areas vs. just the front part when working your “core”. This is also important because a strong core helps keep us safe during so many daily movements, activities and exercises. Here are some basic core strengthening exercises you can do at home, with a description of each movement, and things to keep in mind while working on them.

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Low Plank

  • Place your forearms and palms on the floor; your arms should look like they are in a goalpost position.

  • Your butt can be slightly piked (up in the air), as this will help activate your lower abs.

  • Pretend like you are squeezing oranges under your armpits, this will activate your lats (those big muscles down the sides of your back).

  • Squeeze your butt tight and keep your shoulders stacked over your elbows.

High Plank

  • Place palms on the floor.

  • Butt is in line with shoulders

  • Squeeze your butt tight and keep your shoulders stacked over your wrists.

Side Plank

  • Stack shoulder over elbow.

  • Feet can be stacked on each other or staggered. If a modification is needed, your bottom knee can be placed on the floor.

  • Keep your top hip pulled up towards the ceiling so you feel the bottom oblique (side ab) working.

Hollow Hold

  • Start lying on your back on the floor.

  • Lift shoulder blades and feet up off the floor.

  • To modify: hands can come over chest, and knees can be bent.

  • To make harder: hands go over your head and legs go long.

  • The most important thing: keep your lower back down to the floor!

Dead Bug

  • Start lying on your back on the floor.

  • Arms extend straight up, legs are bent at 90 degrees.

  • Next, slowly extend opposite arm and leg out (arm goes above your head, leg goes long). Then repeat with the opposite arm and leg.

  • Keep your lower back flat to the floor the entire time.



  • Hinge at your waist.

  • Back stays flat.

  • Knees are slightly bent.

  • Keep your gaze out in front of you 1.5-2 feet (keep your neck neutral).

  • Pull hands/dumbbells up towards the side of your rib cage, then lower back down.


  • Start on the floor in table top position (hands and knees on the floor - shoulders stacked over wrists, hips stacked over knees).

  • Alternating hands, pull hand/dumbbell up towards the side of your rib cage, then lower back down.

Glute Bridges

  • Start lying on your back on the floor. Bend legs so feet are flat on the floor.

  • Lift hips up, press through your heels, and squeeze your butt tight as your lift.

Super Human Lifts

  • Start lying on your belly with your arms and legs extended long.

  • Lift your chest and legs up off the floor as much as you can and squeeze everything on your backside. Keep your gaze down to the floor.

  • Lower down to the floor and then repeat the lift.

That should be enough to get you started! If you need more workout ideas or inspiration, check out my Instagram page or my Holly J Fitness app!”

Go get them!

Holly J Fitness


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Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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