Do These 5 Things Before You Move


Summer is around the corner, and that means it’s moving season!

Did you recently buy a new home or are you moving into a new rental? It is amazing how much of our life is on autopilot and things are sure to fall through the cracks when you’re moving. I mean…you have to find your new home, pack, plan the movers, rearrange your schedule, paint, organize, etc. The endless list of adulting is sure to catch up with anyone. That’s why I’ve put together a quick list of reminders for your big move. This list is to help you keep in mind even the smallest to-do that would have otherwise been completely forgotten. Selfishly, a part of me is making this checklist for me since I will be making a move of my own here in a couple of weeks!



Change Your Locks

Safety and security should always be your number one priority when moving into a new home. That’s why updating locks is at the top of my list! It will cost you less than $20 (unless you decide to buy a gizmo lock with all the cool functions) and will take less than 30 minutes (typically) to change ir out. This added layer of precaution mitigate any friendly intruders who may have been given a spare key along the way, and forgot their friends/family/neighbor/coworker moved.


Switch Your Utilities

Utilities are a common task for any new home owner. I think the kicker with this one is remembering to terminate your previous utilities, so you aren’t paying for two sets. Most companies allow you to call ahead and proactively set up utilities for your new home and schedule a date to turn off your utilities for your current living quarters. I love a good proactive measure to take one less thing off my list as I approach the big move.

  • Gas

  • Electric

  • Trash + Recycling

  • Sewer

  • Water

  • TV + Internet


Change of Address

Another big priority should be to set up mail forwarding with your local post office. This will help create a temporary bandaid as you get all of your accounts updated with your new shipping information.

Be sure to also update your address with your employer, family + friends, and banks/credit card companies.


Update Your Auto Shipping Accounts

You and I both know your Amazon packages are being delivered on the reg. You don’t have to think twice about entering your payment information, name or address. With one easy click of a button, that extra bag of dog treats or that neck massager will show up on your door in a matter of days. Well…you don’t want to be that annoying person, contacting the new dwellers of your old stomping grounds to pick up a package that you forgot to change the shipping address on. Make a list of all of your favorite places to shop online, hop into your account and be sure to get your new address entered! I promise it will be worth the extra 15 minutes of prep work.

  • Target

  • Amazon

  • Subscription Boxes, Magazines, etc.

  • Grocery Delivery


Smart Devices

If your new home has a smart device on the front of the house, such as a ring doorbell, be sure to transfer the account into your name. The previous home owner can transfer access and you’ll be off to the races!

Though moves are exciting, they can add a layer of extra stress at times. Remember to give yourself some grace and extra time to make sure you don’t forget these important moving to-dos. Happy Moving!


ImJenHomeAboutArtboard 67.png

Real estate investor, landlord and DIYer, Realtor, Business consultant, Globe trotter & Converting vegan.



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