How I am Getting Back on Track and Eating Clean


Wow has this year flown by! Just a few more months and then 2021 will be in the books. I personally feel like this year has had a bit of a 2020 hangover effect. COVID is still impacting families all across the world and with that, has impacted our lifestyles.

On top of that, due to my move plus renovations, this year for me has been a little disorderly to say the least. I’ve been rolling with the punches, making new habits (not all good ones), and living an entrepreneur lifestyle with no 9-5 schedule. To say my diet is far from perfect this year just scratches the surface.

To put it into perspective, I haven’t cooked since the last week of May. That is 18 weeks of NO cooking! Why? I moved out of my duplex unit to allow for the new renters to move in, while starting construction on my new home the very same week. Timing wasn’t on my side with that one, so I headed to a hotel for 3 weeks while my walls were being demoed and opened up. After my stay in the hotel, I then moved into my home, sleeping on the floors for another couple of weeks while more renovation work was being performed, and then finally was able to move in my furniture and start to have my house feel like a home.

Now, four and a half months in, I’m about two weeks away from having kitchen countertops and am ready to reboot my normal food regiments. While I was in limbo, the amount of times I’ve eaten out is more than I would like to count. Not only is it way easier since I’m on the go quite often for work, but it was also how I got a warm meal prepared for myself. That is until I got a microwave a couple of weeks ago. Don’t get me wrong though, I did eat a lot of fresh, raw meals that were quick and easy to throw together. It’s just been difficult to meal prep and have plenty of leftovers to last me each week.

Tomorrow is a new day though and I’m ready to kick my ass into gear. The lethargic mornings, and low energy days are going out the window. I’ve also gained a handful of lbs, not all bad, but my body has been telling me these last few days it is not happy with my new norm and wants some change. I’m finally ready to listen and in a place where I feel like I can gain some of that control back. So, here goes nothing!

My First Week

So what’s my process when I want to kick my butt back in gear? It’s 100% mental space and capacity!

  1. Am I mentally motivated to make the switch to eating healthy?

  2. Does my personal and work schedule allow for an adjustment period? (i.e. - traveling or lots of parties are not a great time).

  3. What needs to be thrown out of the fridge to make room for fresh produce and healthy snacking options?

  4. Do I have time to meal prep at least 1-2 days per week?

These are all mental checks that I put in place personally to ensure I’m not going to fall off the wagon within a week or two. Daily lifestyle eating habits don’t need to incorporate measuring out your food or counting calories. You merely need to just be aware of the ingredients you’re consuming on a daily basis and don’t overindulge until you need to unzip your pants…if you know what I’m saying ;)

I know that different people have different goals when it comes to health. Some people are focused on weight loss, some are focused on eliminating pain and discomfort, others just want to feel better overall. Whatever your goal is, I can tell you from personal experience that there's no better feeling than being healthy. That said, not all of us are born with the same body type or genetics so it can be difficult to stay on track at times. The good news is that there are plenty of ways for you to reset yourself and make a fresh start! You just have to start. Below are some of my favorite recipes to kick-off a reset. They are delicious and equally as healthy. A true win-win!

balsalmic brussel sprouts & pomegranate

I know Skittles coined the phrase “taste the rainbow” but I would take this gorgeous salad over a pack of processed sugar any day of the week. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good piece of candy just like everyone else. This just looks decadent and well balanced to fulfill my tastebuds’ needs of both savory and sweet!

Brussel sprouts can be a labor of love when it comes to cooking them to perfection, so be sure to follow the directions as best you can. The key is to not overcook them! Cook by Color walks you through the step by step directions to achieve this greatness!


Hamburger Spaghetti Squash

With the fall season here, squash recipes should be topping your list of must have recipes. Anytime a new food is in season, it makes me so excited to indulge in the fresh harvested produce and this dish is no different!

You can find numerous squash recipes online like this Wholesome Yum spaghetti squash boat, but do yourself a favor and try a spaghetti squash hamburger casserole. I’ll being making it in bulk because it is filling and hits all of my savory desires. I will be making it vegan with plant based products such as Beyond Meat and Violife dairy free cheese. It’s super fast and easy so you won’t tire of quickly and will feel less guilty eating when cutting out grains.


Whole 30 Sauces and Dressings

Because I rarely like to wait for my food, I tend to eat a TON of bowls or salads that allow me instant gratification. Think greek bowls, vegetables with sushi rice, vegan buffalo salads, and robust wraps (both for breakfast or lunch/dinner).

To help add an extra layer of pizazz to any of these dishes, I always must have the perfect condiment combination laying around (or two or three). That’s why I’m leveraging No Crumbs Left Whole 30 sauces and salad dressing recipes to help curb my desire from reaching in my fridge and grabbing one of my store bought staples. I’m pretty excited to give these a try and bring back some of my own like my cilantro avocado dressing I whipped up earlier this year.


Cauliflower Fried Rice

Last but not least I’m going to be cooking up something to curb my weekly asian cravings. Whether it be my desire for sushi 1-2x per week or my need of Thai food, I never can seem to get enough. I probably consume way too much soy sauce, but yolo.

Since I will be cutting out rice for the near future, I’ve decided to try out a new cauliflower fried rice recipe, minus the eggs. There are a ton of great recipe options that I found on Pinterest, and to be honest, I don’t even know if I will follow a recipe for this one, but if I do, As Easy As Apple Pie has won my attention. Does that not just look DECLICIOUS!


Improving your eating habits is easier than you might think and just starting is the hardest part. You don't have to do anything drastic, just little things that will add up to big changes over time. I hope you love these recipes and tips to start to develop healthier eating habits today and feel good in your body. I can’t wait for this refresh and how amazing it is going to feel! Be certain, I will share with you my journey and what is and isn’t working for me.

Having a well balanced diet doesn’t have to be hard. If you plan appropriately, and keep diversity in your meals, your creativity can keep you smiling and your belly happy!

Bon Appetit!



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