How Much Do Solar Panels Save?


The benefits of going solar!

We all know the sun plays a vital role in our every day lives. From the vitamin D our body craves, to aiding in the growth of our fruits and vegetables, to heating the planet we call home. Well, I’m happy to say that in 2019 I decided to take a big step in helping produce renewable energy for my home by installing solar panels.

The world we live in…

Energy efficiency is a no brainer for a world loving traveler such as myself. I’ve seen the destruction we humans have caused this earth first hand. From melting glaciers, to deforestation of the Amazon jungle (changing climate patterns and ecosystems), to complete islands drowning in the elevated sea levels and dying coral reefs. Although we love our planet and everything it provides, we don’t always choose to show our love in environmentally friendly life choices. And I’m right along side of you.

Although I’ve been made aware of what our decisions are doing to the earth, and I’ve decided to educate myself on the matter, that does not mean that I have completely done a 180 and flipped my lifestyle upside down. I’m guilty of still ordering take out, allowing the restaurant to put my food in to-go containers. I have my groceries delivered weekly with ice packs and cardboard boxes. (Some feel less guilty when they know something is recyclable, but increased consumption still produces waste (packaging, tape, etc.)). I purchase new clothing and home furnishings instead of used. And I drive an SUV and take a ride on an airplane from time to time. So yes, I’m not perfect and relate to everyone else out there. However, I am making changes to hopefully help lessen my imprint and I want to share this big investment because it is paying dividends back.

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When you have your solar panels set up, the installation company partners with your local energy company to connect your kWh to your electrical panel. This allows the transfer of solar energy to directly feed into your power system and be harnessed for future use.

Since installing my solar panels, I’ve been able to see the large decline in my personal usage over last year, as well as compare it to the neighboring homes average. As you can see above, I am in the negative when it comes to electrical usage for my unit, while energy efficient neighbors average 99 kWh and all neighbors are at 261 kWh. This is AMAZING!

Each month I’m sent a recap of the reduced carbon footprint I’ve been able to make that month, and what that equates to in trees I’ve been able to save. Boy does my solar company know how to make a girl feel good! Any small win for the planet makes my heart happy.

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It gets even better though! Not only am I helping to reduce my energy usage, I’m also saving money! In March, April, June, July and August of this year I was able to cut my bills in half! Seeing that I pay hundreds of dollars each month in energy bills, for a three unit building, the savings is bonkers to me!

For all of you wondering…yes, I do live in a colder climate state, and therefore the winter months aren’t as beneficial. However, snow can help reflect light ;) As long as my solar panels aren’t covered, they are going to produce energy, even in the colder months, so no excuses. Every little bit helps!


Some of you might be thinking… What about my roof? Do the solar panels take maintenance? What happens if they get damaged? My answer to all of your questions…leave it to the pros.

Example: I had the smallest water spot appear on my dining room ceiling. It is merely the size of a quarter and is directly under my solar panels. I put two and two together and called up the installation company to let them know. Shortly after, they had someone over in my attic, checking sealants and adding protective barriers around even the smallest of screw holes. On top of that, they are covering the priming and painting of my dining room ceiling to hide this faint quarter size water spot that appeared. Your solar panels should come with warranties, and the customer care I’ve received has been the bees knees.


Solar panels in my eyes are a win-win for everyone, including mother earth. From the energy savings, to the reduced utility costs, it’s a no-brainer. Some even see it becoming a factor on your home’s resale value down the road. (One can only hope).

If you’re at all interested in learning more about your options, feel free to reach out. I’m happy to connect you with the company I used and also provide a couple of other options I dug into. As far as cost for installation goes, there are a bunch of government rebates and financing loan options that make the investment much more manageable. I’ll plan to have a guest post down the road to get into more of the knitty gritty.

Cheers from your tree hugging friend,


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Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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