6 Practices to Shift to a Positive Mindset


Life throws a lot at us.

So often, I find myself going through the motions of my daily routine. Get up, take Penny out, workout, shower (maybe), work, eat, etc. I’m constantly focusing on my career and what goals I have lying ahead that are yet to be achieved. It’s fast paced and exciting most days, but I consistently direct my attention to what I want to achieve and don’t focus on what I have achieved. 

I’m sure many of you can relate. We’re always waiting for that next promotion, searching for “the one”, still renting instead of owning, confined by our budget and/or not able to take that trip we’ve wanted. Whatever it may be, concentrating on these thoughts can become exhausting and feel overwhelming. So instead of continuing to stress over what you have yet to achieve, we need to take a step back and focus on what we’ve learned, how we are better for the experiences we’ve had, and how we are independently badasses at our own niche. Stop competing with yourself and society, and recognize that you are in control of your mindset and achievements. You can wake up each day and do whatever it is you may please, and that is pretty damn cool!


I was on the phone with my sister the other day and was sharing with her that I want to change my mindset. I want to train my brain to become more positive. Now you might be thinking I’m crazy…but why not? We can manipulate our bodies into changing our eating habits, competing in Iron Man’s, and a number of other mind blowing activities. So why not this?

I’m at the very beginning of my exploration period into this new way of thinking, so research and accountability are key. I’m working on collecting different podcasts and articles that will help me manifest a different way of thinking. Coaching my mindset to think differently will be difficult. It’s had 33 years of experience that I will slowly work on adjusting, but I know with hard work, dedication and accountability the body and brain are capable of much more!

So…with that being said, here are a few action steps that I have either already adapted or have begun studying up on. It is fascinating how many techniques are out there to help adjust your current state of conscious. You just have to be open to the work and to adapting to a new normal.




Meditation can be a powerful tool. There have been some impressive mental and physical benefits found such as: stress release, improved memory, reduced anxiety and depression, better sleep, relaxed heart rate and increased blood flow. Applying 2-10 minutes of daily meditation to your morning routine can help to protect your mindfulness at the start of each day.


Box Breathing

There are no doubt going to situations that pop up from time to time that set you off. We all have our breaking points and can’t deny that we will feel stressed at some point. In those situations, I have found that acknowledgment is the biggest task. From there, you can apply the box breathing method to help clear your mind, relax your body and improve your focus. - Close your eyes. Breath in deeply through your nose while counting to four. Hold your breath at the top for four seconds. Exhale slowly while counting to four. Repeat a minimum of 3x.


Positive Verbiage

I for one am guilty of comments such as: “I am so tired.” “My day is crazy busy.” “I’m bored.” Society has trained us to express our feelings for reactions from the people we are surrounding ourselves with. Whether it is for sympathy, competition, or just connection, a lot of us tend to focus on the negative when conversing instead of focusing our message on the positive. It is pretty powerful to reflect on the why instead of the result. Example: “My day is crazy busy” could instead be “I am so grateful for the business that continues to come my way.” of “I am bored” could become “I’m thankful for this down time to do whatever I may please.”


Subconscious Training

So many of us are concentrating on how others are analyzing us, instead of building up our confidence. Well, did you know your subconscious is very addicting and can be trained to switch your way of thinking? The more positivity you feed it on a regular basis of how great you are and how you can tackle anything you put your mind to, the more affirmative thoughts it is going to produce back for you. Amazing right?!


Sleep, Diet and Exercise

This one shouldn’t be a big surprise, as we all know there are benefits into taking care of your body. It is a miraculous machine that needs to be nourished to function properly. If you’re able to provide your body with the sleep, nutrients and movement that it needs, it will supply you back with the energy and mindful thinking you desire.


Failures or Lessons

Everyone is going to fall short in life from time to time. Instead of focusing on how you didn’t succeed, train yourself to focus on what you learned from the experience. Although these lessons can be less than ideal, they ultimately help you become better and stronger at the task at hand. Without failures, you would see no personal growth. So, the next time something doesn’t work out as planned, concentrate on what you’ve learned from the experience and how you plan to apply this to others in the future. How you are better off for having gone through it.

Life is what we make of it. Always remind yourself you are in control and can pivot at any given point. Focusing on what you have achieved, acknowledging how much growth you persevered through and how amazing you are at what you do is all there is to it. Take the time to reflect and to rightsize your mindset.

Be well!


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Real estate investor, landlord and DIYer, Realtor, Business consultant, Globe trotter & Converting vegan.



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