Why I Went Vegan and My Favorite Vegan Food Brands


Why I decided to go vegan

Did you know that 1 in 5 children today are born with some type of “food allergy”. That’s 20%!

After studying documentaries, taking cooking classes abroad, and reading up on the food industry in the United States vs. other parts of the world, I was BLOWN AWAY to learn how many pesticides, antibiotics, growth hormones and other products make it into our grocery store bought food. I’m no longer surprised that our bodies are telling us in various ways that they are upset. I would be too!

You see, signs can be subtle. Things like asthma, being consistently lethargic, minor skin rashes and a number of other things we would typically seek out a doctor for, quite often are a result of our environment. Poor food choices, air quality, low water consumption and limited exercise/movement all play a role in our bodies health and function. Our body craves nourishment of fresh air, spring water and home grown produce.

Now, knowing I live in a city, I took the easiest step for me that would assist me in leading a healthier lifestyle based on all of my research. I adjusted my diet. By removing antibiotic and growth hormone animal products, and eating more organic + local produce, I’ve seen a significant transformation. Converting to a vegan diet has paid dividends to my lifestyle.

  • I desire less sleep

  • I no longer suffer from constant brain fog

  • My body craves movement

  • I have little to no acne

  • My hair growth is at an all time high, growing more thick by the day

  • And my body manages my weight more consistently, staying at healthier levels

With all of that being said, it goes without saying that becoming vegan is a BIG mental shift. Societal norms have been pounded into our brains for decades. The thought that we need to consume animal products for protein consumption is classic advertising that has been used across marketing efforts for ages.

On top of that, eating out can sometimes be a bit more challenging. I have to get creative at times, but there is ALWAYS something available. Don’t get me wrong, from time to time I crave a cheese curd, calamari, fried chicken, etc. No matter the craving though, I know the benefits I see and feel every day, which pushes me forward to maintain a 90-95% vegan lifestyle.


So what do I eat?

Outside of the fresh product I consume daily, I wanted to share a list of some of my favorite vegan brands. These have become staples in my fridge and pantry over the last year, and have made the transition to being vegan much easier. Some of these vegan items I even prefer over the good old fashion stuff. I promise you, if you give the So Delicious ice cream a try, you will NOT be disappointed!

  • Meat substitutes - Gardein, Morningstar, Beyond Meat and Impossible Burgers

  • Egg - Just Egg or Tofu

  • Cheese substitutes - Follow Your Heart, Daiya, So Delicious, Violife, Chao, Nutritional Yeast

  • Yogurt and sour cream substitutes - So Delicious, Kite Hill and Forager

  • Vegan sauces, dressings and dips - Good Foods, Follow Your Heart, Siete, Cleveland Kitchen

  • Milk - Oatly, California Farms, So Delicious

  • Butter - Earth Balance and Flora

  • Ice Cream - So Delicious

  • Snack Bars - Larabars

  • Bread - Ezekiel Bread

  • Chocolate - Enjoy Life

  • Frozen Meals - Amy’s Bowls, Gardein, Sweet Earth



Small Changes Matter

If going vegan is not for you, I get it! It’s a big shift for many after years and decades of eating a certain way. For those of you that want to continue eating meat, what I would suggest is to purchase fresh air chickens, grass fed bison and cows, stream trout or salmon. By ensuring you are supporting farmers that are raising their animals humanely, you will know that there is sure to be less contamination than those that come from mass slaughterhouse markets.

I also suggest, if you have the means, to try to eat more organic fruits and vegetables. I know It is more expensive, but by eliminating conventional produce, you will be removing a bunch of preservative sprays from your body. Shopping local farmers markets is a great way to support local while also buying freshly picked products. No longer will your food be picked prematurely and then sprayed with chemicals to prolong its “shelf life”. By purchasing your produce when it’s ripe and ready, you will gain substantial health benefits from the fruit or vegetable. To achieve this result, you also can grow your own garden and freeze or can produce to sustain you for a longer period of time.

Whatever your lifestyle, making small changes can be a benefit to you and the environment. Give It a try and see how you feel. I promise, after a couple of months you will be pleasantly surprised!

Best of luck!



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Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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