Pesticides & Periods - What are in Your Tampons?


Okay ladies…it’s time to get personal

How many of you use tampons when that time of the month roles around. You know what I’m talking about. Aunt Flo. Code Red. Bloody Mary. Shark week. On the rag. Whatever you may call it, I’m interested to hear what percentage of you use tampons?

Why you may be asking?

Well, similar to all facets of my life, I love to learn. I am addicted to educating myself on everything I’m putting into my body and how it may impact me. EVERYTHING is fascinating to me! So why would our feminine products be any different?

Cotton Pesticides & Insecticides

What many of us don’t know, is that the cotton used to produce tampons and pads is being sprayed with pesticides and insecticides. In fact, 90% of cotton crops are sprayed with these hazardous chemicals to genetically modify the crop to help them survive. 48 million pesticides were used on cotton crops alone in 2017. The World Health Organization shared that, “3 of the most acutely hazardous insecticides” are in the top 10 most commonly used pesticides in cotton production. Scary right?


If that wasn’t enough, conventional tampons usually are made up of cotton and a rayon blend. Dioxin is a byproduct of rayon and the EPA lists dioxin as a likely carcinogen. It’s “not hazardous” in small doses, but when the average female uses 12,000 tampons in her life, I think it is a question to stop and think about… Do I really want this to be entering my blood stream on a monthly basis?


So do yourself a favor and shop organic. I know it costs slightly more, but you will be saving your body from more carcinogens and chemicals entering your bloodstream. Whether big or small, your body will thank you.

If money is a factor, you can also look into options such as the menstrual cup. It is a sunk cost after purchase and can be reused time and time again. Just be sure to clean it with organic products so that you are continuing to take care of your health.

Take care!



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Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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