12 Books to Read in 2021


Calling all book lovers

I have NEVER, I repeat, I have NEVER been a big reader. I wish I was, but I’m just not. I am the type of person that would prefer to have someone else read a book and then give me a quick download on the key takeaways. I think it has something to do with my inability to sit still and be patient, but that’s just a guess.

To prove how big of a “non book nerd” I am, I’ll share a fun tidbit about my childhood. I always strived for good grades and wanted to prove to everyone I was smart. However, I didn’t want to pick up and read for fun. I would only read what had to be read to help me get the “A” I needed. Knowing this and my love for hustling for a dollar at an early age, my mother decided she would pay me a penny per page of any and all books I read outside of my assigned school textbooks. Knowing money was involved, I of course, began to read more. If it weren’t for those copper coins though, there wasn’t a chance in hell that I would pick up a book for pleasure. Time is money…am I right?

Time doesn’t change everything

Well, here I am a couple decades later and I still find it hard to sit down to read. My brain automatically goes to the fact that I could be working, or having fun with friends. When I decide it is finally time to sit still at the end of the day, I don’t want to use any more brain power than I need to - insert binge tv watching.

HOWEVER, I LOVE LEARNING! I am a sponge any chance I can get on almost every topic possible. I don’t know if you have ever seen the movie the Matrix, but if you have, my dream would be to get plugged into one of their computers so that I could download any knowledge and skill within seconds. That would be AMAZING, wouldn’t it?

Seeing how that doesn’t exist (at least not yet), I have been pushing myself to read more, or in my case - listen to more audio books. I find it easier for me to leverage the wealth of knowledge through the use of audio while driving, in the shower, cooking, or taking the pup for a walk. This allows me to feel like I’m able to multi-task and not get as stir crazy, while also helping me to satisfy my desire to learn as much as possible. They tend to be a bit more expensive, but who am I to complain. I’m the one with the inability to sit still for long periods of time. For now, I’m just going to tell myself I’m helping save the environment by consuming fewer physical items.


2021 Goal

To maximize my ongoing education through the use of audiobooks, I have decided to strive to read one book per month. I find that my desire to learn fluctuates quite a bit based on my mental energy level (depending on my workload mainly), so I didn’t want to push myself too hard out of the gate. I felt like one book every 30/31 days was adequate seeing how I maybe read a total of 3 books in all of 2020. Progress nonetheless!

With that, I thought I would share with you my top 12 book picks for 2021. I’m focusing quite a bit on personal and career development, instead of fantasy or fiction.


Book - Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

Book - Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng

My 2021 Top Book Picks

  1. You are a Badass

  2. The Universe has Your Back

  3. Millionaire Real Estate Agent

  4. Can’t Hurt Me

  5. 10% Happier

  6. The Daily Stoic

  7. The Obstacle is the Way

  8. The 4 - Hour Work Week

  9. Stillness is the Key

  10. Endure

  11. Ego is the Enemy

  12. Atomic Habits

If you have any other recommendations of your own, I would love to hear them! I know this is just a starting place for me. I will adjust and adapt this list over the coming months, so I’m allowing myself some grace on whether this complete list is accomplished, or if instead I substitute a book in that piques my curiosity. What is most important to me is to focus on my personal growth and accomplishing my goal of at least one book per month.

Wish me luck!



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Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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