My {Vegan} Whole 30 Experience & Results


Good things too must come to an end

Well guys, I did it! I’m not going to lie though, that was tough. I’m used to dieting and whipping my body into shape. However, completely cutting out entire food groups takes things to a whole new level. (Especially when you’re already vegan.)

Take for instance savory vs. sweets... I consider myself a savory gal, but when I can’t even eat a Lara bar (peanut butter chocolate chip to be specific) to cut my sweet tooth cravings, I found myself loading up on 1-2 more pieces of fruit a day. Clearly the healthier choice. It’s just interesting how our bodies craves certain foods to satisfy a desire.

Well, like anyone I have my weak moments. After a couple of strong weeks in the beginning, I began to lose momentum with my cooking frequency. This then led to conveniency urges. Let’s just say I wasn’t able to go FULL Whole30 for the entire time (thank you rice and that damn Lara bar).

I did a pretty stinking good job though if I must say so myself. Without the use of animal products in my diet, and then removing carbohydrates and sugars for the purposes of this 30 day period, I’m pretty proud that I was able to get creative and stayed strong for 90% of the time. I think if the weather were nicer and I wasn’t hibernating indoors, I probably would have been even more successful. I’m sure many of you can relate, but this cold weather makes me crave lots of comfort foods that tend to be carbohydrate heavy.

What helped me be successful in my 30 days

Thanks to my refocus on the foods I was consuming these last 30 days, I also took a more critical look at my movement each day. By adding in a more regimented workout routine in 5 days a week (vs. only 1-2x per week previously), I was able to feel more awake throughout the day, less stiff in my back and neck from my long days on the computer, and motivated when I started to rebuild some of my strength back.

I also found it easier to concentrate on not overeating. By concentrating on what was going into my food and meal prepping, I did a better job of portioning out my meals. I would add one serving to my bowl or plate and then added any remainders to food storage containers before sitting down to eat. This helped remove any temptation to go back for seconds.

With all of that being said, I wanted to share with you my final results! Now I know you aren’t supposed to weigh yourself throughout Whole30, but I bent the rules a bit because I knew seeing results first hand would help me to stay motivated. So with that…here they are!


My Results

  1. I dropped a total of 7 pounds and I feel great! Five of the seven pounds came off within my first two weeks. I was very dedicated during this time and stayed true to the diet 100%. My last two weeks is when ingredients such as rice started to make it’s way back onto my plate. Although I don’t think rice is bad, I did feel a difference in my energy levels when a processed grain like this was added back into my diet. No matter though, I still feel great at the end of this and am happy with all of the progress I was able to make in such a short amount of time!

  2. My energy levels are phenomenal! Take it from me, if you treat your body right by eating healthy and working out, your body craves less sleep and more movement. Instead of pressing snooze and waiting for the sun to fully come out each morning before tearing myself out of bed, I found my brain racing each morning at the crack of dawn; unlikely to shut off again until a full day had been tackled.

  3. Lastly, it is amazing how much clearer my brain is and all of the momentum I'm creating in such a short time. I’ve been able to focus much more on work during the day, which has increased my productivity and in turn has allowed me some downtime at night and on the weekends. By being more alert and having less brain fog, my productivity levels are at an all time high.


Now comes the time to refocus and not lose all of the momentum I have gained. Nobody wants to be taken on a rollercoaster ride where the pendulum swings back and forth every few weeks. Although I would love to binge out on a bag of Doritos or vegan ice cream, I am going to hold back. By continuing to cut these unhealthy food groups out of my life, I know my body will thank me in the long run. I don’t want to give up on my elevated energy levels, or the physical strength I am gaining back.

To do this, I will continue to remind myself what’s most important. Are three minutes of food enjoyment worth more than me reaching my goal of strength, productivity and high energy levels. No! The more progress I am able to accomplish, see, and feel, the more I am able to support myself each day to progress forward.

Whatever your goal and path may be, know that if you stick to it and start seeing results, there is no better feeling. Check out my goal setting and accountability tools linked here to help you outline your approach and keep you on track.

All the best to you and yours,


ImJenHomeAboutArtboard 67.png

Investor // Landlord and DIYer // Realtor // Business Consultant // Globe Trotter // Converting Vegan.



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