Your Skin Care - How Does It Rank?


The options are endless!

How do you go about choosing which products to use on your body? Soap, shampoo, makeup, sunscreen, deodorant? Do you use the same brand names you’ve been using since you were a teenager and first learned to put on makeup? Maybe you are a part of a subscription service that sends you samples to try?

However you choose your products, my question to you is, what are they made up of?

As I’ve grown older (and wiser), I’ve become fascinated in better understanding all of the effects my decisions have on my body. From diet to stress to products, every choice you make affects your wellness and can cause long term affects.

The crazy thing though, is that many of us don’t take the time to think about these questions. If we’ve been using a product for years, and have had no adverse reaction, we aren’t prone to make a change.

Example: “I’m going to be in public today so I should probably put on some deodorant.”

Well, what ingredients are in the deodorant? Is it all natural? Was it sustainably made? Will my body composition have a negative reaction to any of the additives included in this product? Has this product been certified as safe?

Your skin is one big organism that is soaking up everything you put onto it, as if you were ingesting the products orally. It then enters into your bloodstream in a matter of minutes and travels through your organs and the rest of your body. Ask yourself this…would you feel comfortable eating what you are putting on your skin? If not, why? If it is because you aren’t sure if it would be safe, do yourself a favor and do a little digging.

The EWG is a phenomenal website that helps rank products from makeup to baby, and everything in between. With their easy grading scale, one being the best and ten being the worst, you can ensure the products you are using are safe for you and your family. As I always like to say, knowledge is power!

Happy hunting!



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